Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This Sunday at RCC I have the privilege of speaking on the subject of Baptism.

I was baptized in a swimming pool at Roaring River State Park in MO when I was about 7 1/2 years old by my father.

When were you baptized? Where? Why did you do it? What did it mean to you?


PinkCadillacCTS said...

Hi Pastor David -
I was very first baptized as an infant, one month old, as this is traditionally when children are baptized in the Catholic faith.
I was water baptized in 1987 into another faith. I found it to be too formal and the person baptizing you cannot make any mistakes. Too much pressure.
Last year in June, along w/my husband, I was baptized at the Truby residence in their beautiful pool.
I do not believe it matters if you are baptized in the river, the pool, or a formal baptismal font; what is important is what is in one's heart. I am glad I was baptized in a swimming pool last year in June because my life has never been quite the same and how grateful I am for each new day.

KentFromPGH said...

I was baptized in a church when I was in my teens, but it was well after I accepted Christ. I am not really sure why I waited so long after being saved to be baptized - part fear of doing it before a crowd, part because I really didn't understand the need for baptism.