Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thought-Provoking Message On Parenting

Today I was listening to Larry Osborne's podcast from North Coast Church in Vista, CA. The title was "Passing The Torch" and it dealt with some great principles for parents to help their kids become all God has in store for them. Check it out!

Great Parenting Thoughts

Recently someone gave me this and I thought it was too good not to share. I think this speaks of the responsibility we have as parents to help our kids take ownership of their own lives and the decisions they make. I wish I could give credit but the author is unknown.

From Parent To Child ...

I gave you life but cannot live it for you.
I can teach you things but cannot make you learn
I can give you directions but cannot always be there to lead you.
I can allow you freedom but cannot account for it.
I can take you to church but cannot make you believe.
I can teach you right from wrong but I cannot always decide for you.
I can buy you beautiful clothes but I cannot make you lovely inside.
I can offer you advice but I cannot accept it for you.
I can teach you to share but I cannot make you unselfish.
I can teach you respect but I cannot force you to honor.
I can advise you about friends but I cannot choose them for you.
I can advise you about sex but I cannot keep you pure.
I can tell you the facts of life but I cannot build your reputation.
I can tell you about drinking but I cannot say no for you.
I can warn you about drugs but I cannot prevent you from using them.
I can tell you about lofty goals but I cannot achieve them for you.
I can teach you kindness but I cannot force you to be gracious.
I can warn you about sins but I cannot make your morals.
I can love you as a child but I cannot place you in God's family.
I can pray for you but I cannot make you walk with God.
I can teach you about Jesus but I cannot make Him your Savior.
I can teach you to obey but I cannot make Jesus your Lord.I can teach you to live but I cannot give you Eternal Life.